
About Us

At Tarrakki, we are a team of driven investment experts with extensive experience in portfolio handling, equity advisory, and financial planning. We love watching the markets keenly! And it also helps that we get a major rush out of assisting investors with steady wealth creation.

Tarrakki came into being because we realised that most Indians who earn enough to invest, do not invest simply because investing appears either too complicated, or too risky. The truth is, investment is a very engaging, interesting activity, that can make you very wealthy over time, if you have the right assistance.

However, traditional Portfolio Management Service (PMS) providers only offer up their services to High Net Worth I nvestors (HNIs). This means, people who do not have huge amounts of money to invest are unable to get unbiased investment advice from experts. Consequently, people end up buying financial services from distributors like banks and next door advisors. In the bargain, they often end up paying huge commissions, thus depleting their overall portfolio.

If new investors want free advice, invariably, they settle for mediocre tips which are risky and speculative in nature. This leads to an unbalanced asset allocation, which is not aligned to their financial goals. This also leads to unplanned short-term or very-short-term investing patterns. Often, those who do understand a little bit about the stock market resort to risky trading, as opposed to strategic investing.

We started Tarrakki to make comprehensive wealth management solutions available on a single platform to every Indian who wishes to invest money responsibly and intelligently, towards achieving one or more financial goals over a specific time duration.

Meet Our Team

Why did we decide to build Tarrakki

When we decided to build Tarrakki, there was a huge need for a comprehensive wealth management platform in India. Investors had to go through multiple channels such as banks and agents, which eventually proved to be costly for them.

Most investors were often not even informed of the trail commissions they were indirectly paying out from their investments. Mis-selling and biased advisory had also become major issues, and continue to be.

Some of the major issues we noticed with existing investment apps that we wanted to address via Tarrakki were:

• Most were neither easy to use, nor fun to use

• Many apps were not unbiased in their recommendations

• Most apps require a significant amount of paperwork to become investment-ready

• Very few apps provide commission-free Direct Plans to mutual fund investors. However, there are not bundled with well-research investment advice. We bundle advice with commissions-free mutual fund investing.

We wanted to build a comprehensive wealth management app that would roll out first with mutual fund investment capabilities, and gradually expand into a wide gamut of asset classes such as equity advisory, P2P lending, insurance, and loans. Today, we have mutual funds, P2P lending and direct equity advisory services live on the application.

We wanted investment advisory services to be affordable and accessible to people with different investment budgets. We noticed a pressing need for unbiased investment advisory services in India, especially for people with small or very small investment budgets.

To service these gaps, we decided to build the Tarrakki App as a comprehensive wealth management platform that users love to interact with, check their portfolios on, and invest regularly. With Tarrakki, we want to empower and enable every Indian to start investing and building personal wealth strategically. Even if you have never invested in your life, you'll easily be able to make the right investment decisions for yourself using the Tarrakki App. You'll also be able to transact quickly and effortlessly on this platform.

Our recommendations come from a smart robo-advisory that has been designed by humans for humans; This recommendation engine is analysed every day by expert investment advisors, and updated when required.

Your suggestions do not come from a computer programme, but from intelligent, experienced, real people.